I do realise that Converse trainers are universally popular. However, for the last few years I have been the only one to sport these on my feet outside the schoolgates. This season, however, everyone and their mothers (probably) are wearing them. Which is fine, as mine look worn in (very worn in) and so flaunt their owner as not being one to follow a trend - I am the trend.
However, my Converse (both pairs) are dying and need to be replaced. Suddenly I will be demoted to Trend Follower, not Trend Setter - this is not good. I could train Boy No. 3 to walk out of school and find the car, so I don't have to get out which is fine on the days I drive, but what about when I walk - I will have to hide my feet. Aghhhhhhhhhh*.
It's true - women can multi-task. I followed a women down the road the other day, and she was waving a mobile around in one hand, (couldn't tell if she was trying to text or talk into the thing), moving a fag in and out of her mouth with the other, and driving across a roundabout. Now that's talent, that is until the day she drops her fag, has a nasty burn, crashes the car and gets booked for using her mobile whilst driving. Haha
Boy No. 2's phone had to go into hospital (the phone shop) as the battery decided to alarmingly expand, so much so that the back cover was broken off (see previous post for photo evidence). Both bits were sent off by Vodaphone over 2 weeks ago now. I am starting to get annoyed.
1st shop assistant: It will take 4 days for the replacement battery and back to be delivered.
I go back in after 5 days.
2nd shop assistant: Oh no it will take up to a week. I'll chase it up for you.
I go back in after a week and a half.
3rd shop assistant: No. It can take two weeks to get the replacements. We'll phone you to stop you having to come in all the time.
It will be 3 weeks next Tuesday. I'm going back in - wish me luck, I may no responsible for my actions.
* Have since realised I have no spare money so my trend dilemma can go on the back burner for a couple of months. phew.
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6 years ago