Thursday, 8 July 2010

We want your money!

So Boy No. 2 has had his taster day at the boys Senior School, and the best bit was lunch - apparently.   I then had to drag him back for the Year 7 Intake meeting in the evening - which to give them their due only lasted 55 minutes, a vast improvement on when I went with Boy No. 1 a few years ago. 

So first the good news................ we are no longer being held ransom in having to provide our little darlings with a Notebook at the very reasonable price of £350.   I would like to think that the school came to their senses and realised that boys would be getting mugged on the way to and from their premises which would make for bad press and that they can't actually make parents pay for the things. 

So instead we now have to provide the little darlings with their very own iPod touch or iPhone which only costs £152 - cue boys getting mugged on the way to and from the school premises once it gets out that every boy will carrying an iphone on them!!!    Luckily though, they don't have to have them til January - 'it will make a nice Christmas Present'.

The reason for having to have a iPod Touch or iPhone was as follows:  We want our boys to keep up with mobile technology.    Pfffft............. not one mention of how this technology will actually get used in lessons.

What made me really laugh was the bit about lockers.  A locker for the year will cost £6.  If you have difficulty in meeting the cost, please contact the school, in confidence, where we will be happy to try and work out a solution.   hahaha.  This option is not offered on the iPod!

Last Weekend

 had to forego watching the Mens Final (at home obviously) as we had a barbarcue to go to. 

OK keep up............

Mr Imo's dad is one of three brothers, he is the oldest.  The middle one has three children, Mr I's cousins, one is married and living in New Zealand, one lives in Australia and married an Australian and the other one was in Australia for his brothers wedding/holiday and got married out there himself as a surprise.  So the BBQ was to celebrate the two Aussie Weddings as all three cousins were back in the same place at the same time.  At the same time the youngest brother also has three boys (more cousins all grown up now) the middle grown up boy works as a sound engineer - currently on the iTunes festival in London.  Boy No. 1 is interested in doing this for a living, and will now be going up to see back stage at iTunes - yay.  This was the good bit of the BBQ, the following photos are the not so good bit....

Mother-in-Law, Sister-in-Law, Me

Two minutes after the above photo was taken

Sadly no one managed to take a video, or even a photo of the three of us getting folded up in the bench - it would have made a killing on Opps TV.  My dress is now in the wash!

The bench was only three weeks old - purchased as extra seating for the BBQ and it was self assembly.  Looking at it in bits, the bits that slot into the other bits looked pretty flimsy, so it's not our fault.

And Finally.....

As all three boys were reasonally smart I attempted to get a sensible photo once we were back home.  Here it is.....

The head in the background is one of my mothers efforts from Sculpture Classs - they used to practice using breeze blocks.  This one is called Albert, but I also have an Inga - aren't I a lucky girl!


  1. Everyone should have an Albert and Inga at he bottom of the garden. So glad only you sit on my chairs or I would have had to purchase a whole new dining set by now ;)

  2. chairs are safe - it's just the benches that have to look out and you haven't got one of those.
