Sunday, 2 May 2010

My Computer Snores

It's Alive - Or Something's Trying To Get Out

Have just plugged the headphones in, in order to listen to the latest installment of a drama series on Radio 7,  to hear what can  only be described as snoring - or maybe heavy breathing.   This is amazing - my computer is alive.  On the other hand it could be a creature from another dimension that's got trapped whilst coming through the crack in the wall..........

Doctor Who

OK I am a massive DW fan, and Matt Smith is shaping up to be one of the best Doctors ever in my opinion.  I love the twitchy fingers thing going on, and showing a shouty angry side this week with River Song.

Pot Holes

For those of you still playing the pot hole game, there's a fantastic new level on the A120 going up the hill out of Standon/Puckeridge and also a few sneeky numbers in Beldam's Lane - enjoy!

Mothers Who Can't Park But Drive Big Cars

Was parked and quietly doing a soduko waiting for school to come out on Friday when this stupid women:-

a.  Turned up late

b.  Misjudged the size of space left behind me

c.  Couldn't be bothered to move further down the road (away from the school), park and walk, so

d.  Got out of her car and asked me to move forward a bit.  ( I pointed out to her that I would then be overhanging someone's drive) but I obliged because I am nice.

e.  Stupid women then backed her car in and bumped into Cedric

At this point I had an epithany as I discovered how protective I am of Cedric (he's my very first brand new car and still only a few months old) as I flung myself out and banged on stupid women's window, she said "thank you so much for moving" and I said "No........You've just hit my car".  I did manage not to shout this although I might have sounded slightly hysterical and my teeth were clenched.  She then said "I didn't feel anything" (duh)  Me: "Well have a look". 

Luckily for her sake there was no damage to Cedric, otherwise there would have been blood.

Stupid woman.


The computer's settled down into a breathing routine now, 3 deep breathes, 5 seconds pause, 3 deep breathes, etc. etc.   it's really quite creepy.


  1. Have you thought that maybe the breathing noises from the PC is possibly the radio 7 drama in progress

    You should have throttled the woman before attempting to show her the non existent damage to Cedric. Now you have no excuse for GBH....

    Don't take Cedric to France or Italy they actually use their bumpers for bumping into small gaps....

  2. Luckily for me Cedric is too small to go aboard with all the Imo family on board.
